Kamala Harris is even more vile than Hillary Clinton. She is the epitome of the hollow promise of feminism. Of course, no real “feminist” could actually vote for a woman who flat-backed her way into public office after failing the bar. What kind of woman would even associate with a “mistress”…a thirteen year affront to marriage and family and public service? I mean, at least Killary had a child and was the victim of adultery, not the public perpetrator. Sheesh, demonrats…I mean democrats…when Hillary “the screecher” Clinton looks like June Cleaver, you have crossed quite the moral boundary. …
Here are the top 10 reasons no feminist, woman, or possessor of XX chromosomes should dane to vote for the Harris-Walz ticket:
1-Harris does not believe in “womanhood”. She cannot define and will not defend what a woman even is. She perceives the murder of innocents as “healthcare” and has never raised a child of her own. She dishonors every woman by her betrayal of Mrs. Willie Brown and her very public rise to political prominence on Mr. Brown’s coattails. She owes her success to everything the modern woman disdains.
2-Kamala Harris is an opportunistic cutthroat. She will do, say, pretend, or portend whatever is necessary to secure her station and success. At best she is a fraud and at worst she is a tool of the enemy….as in, the enemy of our soul, the literal Satan.
3-Kamala Harris is not African American except when it suits her. She chooses to be Indian-American, though she was raised Canadian, and her father, the Jamaican, is actually descended from Slave OWNERS, not slaves. She never said “fweedom”…that anecdote is stolen from MLK, Jr. himself, and she probably never rode a yellow school bus…at least not in the USA. She is a fraud and an opportunist in every sense of the word.
4-Kamala is a “mistress” married to an “adulterer” who impregnated the nanny of his children. There is no concept of loyalty, integrity, honesty, or covenant within her. Pathways to power are all that she sees and they are paramount in her life and the life of her chosen partner.
5-VP Harris does not esteem the USA as an entity unique and worthy of preservation in the post-modern era. She neither espouses patriotism nor endorses the democratic ideals on which this nation was founded. She is a selfish, entitled brat…not in the cool way…who thinks of no consequence beyond her own experience.
6-Kamala holds the history of the United States in highest disregard. She thinks of the founders as white slave owners who set an Imperial course…not as the fathers of a nation who could overcome slavery and disenfranchisement….
7-VP Harris perceives a woman’s womb as little more than a trash can liner…it’s contents of less value than recyclables. She has no children and does not value yours. At the DNC convention over which she presided, more than 25 fetuses were sacrificed on the ancient altar of convenience to appease the gods of power she worships. The same murder wagons literally emasculated men by way of vasectomy. She abhors everything related to traditional family values and will oversee the destruction of the nuclear family if elected.
8-She is an unapologetic adulteress…a whore, perhaps from Babylon, who has made an adulterer her life’s companion. She has no respect for marriage as an institution and no concept of the covenant it was created to be. This explains why she has no respect for the United States, it’s institutions, or the covenant with God under which it was created.
9-Kamala is a thief. A literal thief of the nomination. She has never earned a single, solitary delegate sans Biden and she stole his nomination, his mantle, and the monies raised for his election…degenerate spirit of Jezebel.
10-Liar, liar….pants on fire! Little Ms. Harris was appointed the border czar…but didn’t bother to visit. She agreed with every lock down, accepted every vaccination, appealed to every carnal power, and abolished all reason…she is everything that is wrong with the feminist movement. She promises everything and delivers nothing. She decries the very femininity she exploits to justify her rancid existence.
Kamala “Willie Brown’s Ho” Harris, is everything that is wrong with America today…and “Tampon” Tim Walz is even worse…he’s the emasculated yes man to her ill-informed temper tantrum. May God have mercy on her deceitful, despicable soul. May He forgive, bless, and restore America despite her presence among us….