Dear people running for office in 2024 on the right,
All of you are to my left. All of you represent a far larger federal government than our founders intended. All of you are risking your reputation, spending time and money, and “putting yourself out there” in many ways that are very uncomfortable and I commend you for that. Please make it worth it. The 20 core promises Donald Trump has made are fine, but insufficient to address the demonic, progressive evil that is ever present at the highest reaches of government. In order to save the republic, an absolute return to the strictest, most original intent of the US Constitution is necessary. Enshrine the limitations of government the Founders imposed to ensure the freedom they foresaw. Freedom happens when results are inextricably intertwined with effort. Liberty occurs where self-esteem is realized through achievement, not participation. Prosperity, “happiness”, is only possible when each individual takes responsibility for his or her own actions. Equity will be our demise if we do not return to the principles that made America great.
VP Harris wants us all to “end” at the same place, that is how she defines equity. That particular brand of Marxist/Socialist nonsense lands us all equally in the poor house and it cannot be permitted. Only you can stop it.
Here are former President Donald Trump’s 20 core promises with my commentary:
Strengthen Border Controls: Implement comprehensive measures to secure the border and manage immigration effectively.
*This is a good start. Comprehensive, however, is a vague term that means little to nothing. I propose these steps:
1. Close the border to all immigrants by strategically utilizing the national guard, reservists, and volunteer off duty police officers until: a) everyone who entered legally, but has expired documents is extended, adjudicated, or deported. b) everyone who entered the country illegally has 10 days to self-deport after which time the national guard will be utilized to round up, document/fingerprint, and PERMANENTLY kick out all illegal aliens. c) all legislation regarding immigration to be tabled until these measures are taken and d) for Heaven’s sake stop letting the left make up the language we use here. The Constitution calls them illegal aliens. I call them criminal trespassers. You can call them anything you like EXCEPT new comers, dreamers, or migrants…they are breaking the law to enter a country of laws, not of men. The. End.
2. Student visas to/from enemy states to be immediately and permanently revoked.
3. Travel visas to/from enemy states to be immediately and permanently revoked.
4. Adjudication/deportation of all presently incarcerated foreign nationals. *Keeping them in US prisons is costly and ineffective. Deport, baby, deport.
5. Define citizenship the way the founders intended. Those born to LEGAL U.S. citizen parents anywhere in the world are American citizens (as in Ted Cruz and Barak Obama). Those born physically in the United States to anyone here ILLEGALLY were never intended to be citizens. They owe allegiance elsewhere and they are not under the jurisdiction of the U.S. Government. FIX. THIS. IMMEDIATELY.
Launch Major Deportation Initiatives: Undertake an extensive deportation campaign.
*THIS is really the same thing as promise #1. However, this initiative needs to be focused on enemy states owning land in the US. 1-China must relinquish all farmland held here. 2-Blackrock must relinquish all farmland, single family dwellings, or other properties driving up the costs of real estate. 3-TRANSPARENCY in all real estate transactions is an absolute MUST.
Address Inflation: Take decisive actions to curb inflation and make living expenses more manageable for Americans.
*Vague, vague, vague. 1-Open all markets wide. 2-Deregulate every industry that is not a DIRECT risk to national security. 3-Open bids on every government project to every single business, no matter the size. 4-End all NGOs that are not 100% transparent…you know, like Pelosi’s husband buying up all those post offices?
Lead in Global Energy Production: Establish the U.S. as the top global producer of energy.
*Okay, drill baby drill, but also Keystone open on day 1…not through executive actions that can be undone, but in a sustainable way. Release the hounds in clean coal, nuclear energy, hydro, solar, wind…everything and all of it immediately…
Revitalize American Manufacturing: End the trend of outsourcing and transform the U.S. into a major manufacturing hub.
*Fine, is this just through tariffs? Incentives to US based businesses to manufacture here? ….specifically, how will this be done?…building this type of infrastructure takes a lot of time. Whatever is done must be done in a way that CANNOT be undone with the swipe of a pen.
Reduce Taxes for Workers: Provide substantial tax cuts for workers and eliminate taxes on tips.
*Fine, but this is not a majority of American workers. Which cuts? For whom? On what? How about an amendment to make inheritance taxes illegal?
Uphold Constitutional Rights: Protect fundamental freedoms, including freedom of speech, religion, and the right to bear arms.
*How? Let’s see a list of supreme court nominees more conservative than Gorsich, Barrett, and Cavinaugh. They have been disappointing. We got Roe, which was horrible law anyway, but there are bigger fish to fry if we wish to restore the Republic.
Promote Global Stability: Work to prevent major conflicts, restore peace in Europe and the Middle East, and create a strong national missile defense system.
*Blah, blah, blah. How? 1-Always on Israel’s side. The end. 2-Everybody else either gets on team USA or gets left to their own devices. WWII was decades ago, why are we still in Germany and Japan? 3-Get out of the UN and kick them out of our country. 4-Create 1:1 treaties and let every other nation do the same. World governance does not work. We need to get OUT of broad international groups. They are corrupt and ineffective…this was one of your most wonderful achievements as 45.
Prevent Government Abuse: End any misuse of governmental power against citizens.
*May I presume we will be returning the appointment of Senators to the states? Abolishing the IRS and income tax? Abolishing all government agencies (Education, EPA, Energy, The Fed, The FBI, The CIA) that are not specifically the department of war and a department of interstate commerce? SPECIFICS matter.
Combat Crime and Drug Trafficking: Tackle crime, dismantle drug cartels, and address gang violence while focusing on holding violent offenders accountable.
*So easy to say, so difficult to do. 1-we must become a nation of laws again. 2-we must respect and honor the law and those who enforce it 3-closing the border will help 4-rooting out corruption must begin in DC with the deep state. 5-the VAST majority of criminals come from broken homes and use drugs…our war is not against flesh and blood…it is against addiction and brokenness. How will you fix THAT?
Revamp Urban Areas: Rebuild and beautify cities, including Washington D.C., to enhance safety and livability.
*This is stupid. If we close the border and reimpose law and order the cities can, will, and should rebuild themselves. This is not the job of the federal government, with the possible exception of DC. Start by enforcing drug laws and loitering laws and cleaning up homeless encampments. Not a federal duty.
Enhance Military Strength: Modernize and strengthen the military to ensure it remains the best force across the globe.
*This is actually the job of the federal government. Peace through strength. Start with recruiting the BEST and brightest…not every poor immigrant who wants a free pass into the country. Restore honor and morality and stop making special standards for women. There will one day be a female navy seal, but she had better meet all the same standards as the men on the teams or she will get someone killed. Give women more credit. Define them accurately and cease and desist any and all DEI initiatives in the military. This particular thing only functions as a meritocracy.
Preserve the U.S. Dollar’s Status: Maintain the U.S. dollar as the world’s primary reserve currency.
*Not sure this is up to us. We need to negotiate with Saudi Arabia regarding the petrol dollar and we need to pay our debts. Prosperity through strength.
Protect Social Security and Medicare: Safeguard Social Security and Medicare benefits with no reductions or changes to retirement age.
*This is stupid. This is not the job of the federal government. STOP these programs for everyone under a given age (40?, 50?). STOP auto drafting from paychecks and make people responsible for themselves. If they choose to be destitute…HONOR. THAT. CHOICE. Churches are commanded by God to take care of widows and orphans; To dress and feed the poor; and to visit those in prison…get out of the church’s way and leave charity to those Jesus left it to. SSI and medicare funds should all be made available to be privatized. The government needs to get out of my pocketbook.
Reconsider Vehicle Regulations: Cancel the electric vehicle mandate and reduce unnecessary regulatory burdens.
*There is nothing to reconsider. This is not the job of the federal government. Eliminate these regulations in a PERMANENT way. While you’re at it, reform the purposes for which executive orders may be used. Each president taking his pen to the previous president’s pet projects is stupid. Stop it.
Limit Federal Funding for Controversial Content: Cut federal funding for schools that teach divisive or inappropriate content. This includes radical gender ideology along with other inappropriate content on children.
*Nope, not enough. Eliminate all federal interference in education at all levels for all purposes. The end. This is a state issue.
Ensure Fair Competition in Sports: Keep men out of women’s sports to ensure fair competition.
*Define “man” and define “woman” and leave the rest to the states.
Address Extremist Views on Campus: Remove pro-Hamas extremists from colleges and restore a safe, patriotic environment.
*This is stupid. All speech is protected speech. You cannot enforce patriotism on campus. Take their money, eliminate all federal grant and loan programs to post-secondary education, let the merit system work and universities will start to work for society again. The end.
Secure the Election Process: Strengthen election security with measures like same-day voting, voter ID, and paper ballots.
*Yes and amen! Just, do it in a permanent way. BUT, according to the Constitution, this is a state issue, so an amendment will be required, but it is a worthy endeavor.
Achieve National Success: Unite the country and drive new levels of success and progress.
*This is stupid. If you accomplish the 16-17 steps aforementioned, this will take care of itself. How on earth could you possibly unite a country that cannot even agree on the definition of “man” and “woman”? Unity, equality, and exceptionalism cannot become the new Diversity, equity, and inclusion. When people succeed individually, this takes care of itself. Do not focus on this.
Here is my top ten for anyone seeking the vote of happily married Christian 50 somethings in a small town:
1-Commit 100% to the defense of religious liberty. No one should be forced to do business in a way that violates his or her conscience. President Trump, acknowledge that the hand of God literally saved your life and commit to leading this nation closer to Him. Pray for a national revival and let it begin with you, sir.
2-Commit 100% to free speech and freedom to fail. No one is too big to fail. Treat all persons, places, entities, and businesses the SAME under the law. Freedom cannot coexist with dependence on the government. Period. Stop all grants based on race, sex, national origin…the SBA needs to stop favoring businesses based on immutable characteristics of the owner. Just. Say. No.
3-Commit 100% to a church’s right to host gatherings on public property, private property with permission, and to wear religious symbols and speak about their faith without fear of retribution anywhere. This goes double for kids carrying a Bible to school.
4-Commit 100% to national election day being a federal holiday so that everyone can vote on election day. This must be a Constitutional amendment. Photo ID must be required and states must be REQUIRED to clean up their voter roles to remove duplicates and deceased persons. This must be an amendment.
5-Commit 100% to the rights of parents to raise their children free of government, educational, or other interference. No more transing the kids without parental consent. No more radical hormone therapy or unnecessary surgery. We do not allow persons under 18 to take a Tylenol without parental consent. Abortions, elective surgeries, and name changes must fall under parental consent laws. This may also require a constitutional amendment.
6-Commit 100% to the right to life. Everyone knows how babies are made. Abortion is not birth control. Self-control is birth control. Condoms, shots, pills, and abstinence are birth control. The morning after pill is “emergency” contraception for instances of rape and incest. The absence of a heartbeat is clinical death. The presence of a heartbeat, therefore, must be clinical life. Define life and stand up for it. Stop running from Roe. V. Wade. Its reversal is your pinnacle achievement and we want the job completed.
6b-Commit 100% to keeping murderers behind bars for life. Law and order must be fully restored if we are to retain the republic. This includes drug dealers, cartels, organized crime, planned parenthood…end ALL programs that directly or indirectly fund death by abortion, forced vaccination, hormonal treatments that sterilize pre teens. Medicaid? No $ for abortion or transitioning children. Military? No $ for abortion or transitioning. Prison? No $ for abortion or transitioning and all federally housed inmates MUST be housed based on their chromosomal make up. America was founded on Judeo-Christian ethics. We are not a death or sex cult and we must stop behaving like one.
7-Commit 100% to transparency. If America is great, and I believe it is, she must be honest about her flaws, her scars, and her prospects. When difficult decisions must be made, tell the people. When you make a mistake, tell the people. Unless national security is at stake, tell the people. An informed electorate will come together. Otherwise, we are going to tear each other apart. Use the media, social media, alternative media, or a daily freaking prime time press conference to TELL. THE. PEOPLE. Demonstrate the lies and demonic deceptions of the Democrat ticket with unedited video clips…then tell the truth.
8-Commit 100% to using all monies from the use of public lands to pay down the debt. America is great when she operates from a position of strength. We are over leveraged, over promising and under delivering. Over deliver for a change. Start by getting our debt under GDP. This will cause younger generations to believe in the American dream again whether that is just to do a little better than the last generation or home ownership or aspiring to be a billionaire like the 45th President of the United States.
8b-Drain. The. Swamp. The deep state, the permanent bureaucracy class, K street lobbyists, and career politicians. Term limits on ALL federally elected positions are necessary. Take Vivek Ramaswamy and let him wreak havoc on the whole dang thang. He has some bold and meaningful ideas you should wholeheartedly embrace.
9-Commit 100% to rooting out corruption no matter who is being corrupt. Justices, executives, congressmen, media, everywhere. First, do no wrong…that needs to become the golden rule of American politics. Lock. Him. Up. No lawfare, but nothing goes under the rug, either.
10-Commit 100% to the Constitution as an originalist. Follow it like the road map the founders intended it to be. Be unapologetically RIGHT. That is your forte’.
Stop the personal attacks on the socialists running for the Dems. Run on your record. Tell THE truth about their record. Cast a clear vision for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Drive a narrative of truth, justice, and the American way. Pledge to restore baseball, hotdogs, apple pie, and even Chevrolet. Making America great again is only possible if Americans start acting like Americans again. Out of many, ONE. One nation, under God. This is our only chance. Please start driving THIS train.
May God bless you and the United States of America
Married, white, female, evangelical, mama of two with a college education and a bone to pick with the “Right”.