Titus 2:1-6
New American Standard Bible
Proclaim Sound Doctrine
2 But as for you, proclaim the things which are fitting for sound doctrine. 2 Older men are to be temperate, dignified, self-controlled, sound in faith, in love, in perseverance.
3 Older women likewise are to be reverent in their behavior, not malicious gossips nor enslaved to much wine, teaching what is good, 4 so that they may encourage the young women to love their husbands, to love their children, 5 to be sensible, pure, workers at home, kind, being subject to their own husbands, so that the word of God will not be dishonored.
All my life, I have been the "smart" one, the one who knows random things, the one who took the good notes, the responsible one with the answers. As an adult, I have been a source of parenting advice because I had my first kid before my friends had their first. But, I always found it strange when people took the advice of someone fifteen minutes ahead of them in their journey. I have been surprised and saddened by the parenting of many Christians I have encountered. We proclaim Christ but repeatedly fail to do as we are instructed by His Word.
To be "prodigal" is to be wasteful and lavish. Our entire culture is prodigal, but I am mostly concerned about 21st century parents. I call them "prodigal" because many are wasting the opportunity to bless their children with stable, healthy homes and the privileges they afford. I am no expert on anything except my life experience and my relationship with God. That is the base from which I offer this observation and advice.
As my children are now adult, educated, responsible, God-fearing humans, I have NOW earned the right to offer some well-worn parenting wisdom. I recently shared with a mom-to-be that she should never trust the advice of someone whose kids have not turned out. Until they do, their opinion is a THEORY. Influencers are hocking the latest and greatest innovation in baby "necessities" and have no more information on successfully rearing children than any other parent trying to navigate this stage of life.
I have better children than I deserve. I am abundantly blessed and highly favored. How did I raise such amazing kids? Titus 2. I sought the advice of the older women in my life who represent Titus 2. I prayed Scripture like this over my children. I was consistent with my children and I raised them to stand in awe of God and to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Any influencer who is not advising you in this way is not influencing you for the Kingdom.
"So, what if my mom or grandmother was not the kind of mother I want to be?" some ask. If your mother's kids did not turn out...find a different mothering mentor. Still, show her respect, but your obligation is to your children. You do not need Miss anybody who has yet to see the fruits of her theories. You need to find the best person you know and then find that person's mother. That is your mentor...that is your parenting influencer.
It is a difficult time to be a parent. THE Truth is not paramount in our culture and deceptive, relative truth is being peddled far and wide. So, my advice...since my kids turned out: Get off the phone. Get off the computer. Put down the book and pay attention to your child. Talk to them, pray over them, find a Godly mentor and create generational blessings of good parenting. Need a Godly mentor? Holly@personalwordsmith.net. I will answer you with what I have learned. Follow my blogs and I will use them to point you to the Word, the best advice I know.
To help you get started, I created a list of my very best advice. It has served generations of my family well.

Know therefore that the LORD your God, He is God, the faithful God, who keeps His covenant and His faithfulness to a thousand generations for those who love Him and keep His commandments; Deutoronomy 7:9