In the "these rules are from the 18th century" column, this crazy rule for fleas and lice make my cheeks sweat on the inside, you know? But, the premise is solid for good behavior.
Please, if you ever see anything as benign as a hair on my shoulder, tell me or lift it off. If my fly is ever down or I have lipstick on my teeth, I would prefer to know so that I do not continue to embarrass myself. Friend, foe, family member, I care not who you are so long as you do me the solid of helping me put my best foot forward. Why is this so hard to understand?
I have, on occasion, witnessed a member of the opposite sex with an embarrassing issue and NOT spoken up myself, but I have asked another man to intervene. Knowledge is power and, in this case, that power is to prevent humiliation. Thank you Mr. President! I have modernized this rule with a list that follows.
